Monday 24 November 2008

31 "Sleeps" untill Christmas!

.....and 7 sleeps, until we can start opening the pockets on the advent calender!
Me addicted to chocolate - never!

Anyway, we had a busy fun packed weekend, I managed to get Ian to come walking with the dogs, so Saturday we decided to do our first walk since being down here on Bodmin Moor, we chose to start and finish at a place called Minions, which was great as it had "Tea Rooms" still open, the weather wasn't good, wet and very windy, Mindy added to the "Not good" bits by deciding to forget her name and charge off in the opposite direction to where we where going, chasing the birds and anything else she came across ummmmmm
So when Ian managed to rugby tackle her to the ground, she stayed on the lead - I'm hoping it was just the wind that sent her over the edge, as Red was going further away from us and running everywhere, although the boys where very good.
We started from Hurlers Halt car park and walked toward the Engine house and then walked off up a short sloop and around anti clockwise in a big circle returning past the stones.

Mental note. Must remember proper coats and hats.

I did remember the camera and got it out when it wasn't raining. Afterward we had hot chocolate and carrot at one of the tea rooms, which was lovely!

Sunday - we had another wet and windy, walk on the beach at Hawkers Cove, we where out for about an hour and half.
I think we over did it on the Sunday as poor Red, Sunday night was very stiff in getting up, by this morning, she was okay and she had another Cartrophen injection today at our vets in Roche.

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