Tuesday 7 June 2011

"Sennen" seesaw training.

I decided to teach Sennen the seesaw early on in her life, in a safe environment at home, so we have done a method called, "cram all methods in and see what happens", as you can see she isn't worried at the moment as nothing bad has happened, I wont be letting her take the whole bang until she's around 12 months, so plenty of time to play with it....

I got Ian to help, first of all he ran her up to the seesaw on the lead, she could then run to the end with her toy/treat waiting for her, then as soon as she became comfortable with that, I had her in a wait whilst I went to the end waiting for her....we then progressed onto, sending her into a curvy tunnel, giving me a chance to run to the end and catch it before she had chance to beat me, but soon learnt I was getting close to not getting there before her, so we moved on to another method "bang it" game, where she learn't to pull it down to get back on it and we reward with either toy/treat and eventually I would have her toy/treat waiting for the otherside of some jump wings ...just so she learnt not to always expect a reward on the SS...I then realised most of my work had been done with me at the end, so to help with independence of the SS I added another game, which was, a treat was stuck on the end of the SS (cream cheese as it sticks) and then I would send her from the down part and up to the end whilst I was at the down end and then I'd lower it it down, so I started from the height of a chair then a lower object etc..until she could run from the floor with my foot on the bottom, until she reached the top and it was lowered under control.....and that's it until she is old enough to take the bang...


Hudsondoglets said...

Looks great Angela!

Angela said...

Thanks Nancy..

nellie-bean's blog said...

Didn't get chance to chat to you at Hinkley though we did say Hi! Hope you enjoyed your Champ final experience. I know the wheels came off the bus as it were but at least you got to yours - I didn't even make it that far with Nellie sadly in Large!

Angela said...

Helen, I think I should have still got the prize for the most eliminations in one round...I'm still laughing about it now! Poor Harry, he's so forgiving...LOVE HIM x

Dani said...

Love it Ang! Looks really good xx