Monday 11 August 2008

Just, some photo's this week

I've been lent a small skateboard from Nicky at Hawksflight, so I can teach the small guys something new!
Mindy (15 weeks) took to it like a, Duck to Water, whether that is because I have been teaching her to walk on a homemade cardboard wobble board and other odds and sodds. Harry seems to be happier just sitting on it, but these photos are of our first introduction to the "skateboard" this morning!

So, not bad I think. (good English - just for MUM!)

and Here's the promised photo of Harry's Pairs partner winning haul, Nellie KC name is: North Somerset Nellie.
More to come - I think!

and lastly if you really want to know how we did agility wise over the weekend, read on:

Harry and I where away with the Devon Fairies!
I think because most of our courses have been 1-7, so therefore alot easier than 4-7 which he is now, so I have to start "upping the anti" (spelling) and start to teach ourselves harder things.

Buzz was well and truly away with the fairies.

Red well off course she was good! I thought I saw the judges hand go up for my hairy seesaw, IMO I should have been faulted, I did a reverse turn in front of it, which pushed her forward, so it didn't touch the floor and only just went past the pivot point, but I wasn't the judge! anyway I held her on the rest of the contacts and we where 3rd, I pushed her too hard in the jumping and she had a pole, so I was naughty and didn't work the rest of the course.

Got to go, the postman has just chucked the "agility Voice" through the letter box and I need a cup of coffee!

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